
Al fiqh al muyassar pdf
Al fiqh al muyassar pdf

al fiqh al muyassar pdf

After completing all of this, he would enter the stage of studying books on Islamic jurisprudence when he would have reached puberty recently or some time back. As for logic, the minimum number of books that a student was supposed to study would be four or five. The books prescribed for Arabic morphology (Sarf) alone would reach seven and in Arabic syntax (Nahw), there would be five.

al fiqh al muyassar pdf

The student in his early teenage would then turn to Arabic grammar and fundamentals i.e., syntax and morphology, rhetoric, and elementary books in logic.

al fiqh al muyassar pdf

This curriculum started with extensive study of Färsï language, literature and poetry that went on for several years. The Iranians governed India in economic and academic fields and consequently had a huge impact on the academic system as well as on the standards of excellence, wisdom and intellect. It has also been influenced by the trends in the neighboring Islamic country, especially Iran which has remained guide and leader for this country, and academic and ideological powerhouse for India, supplying and nourishing it with academic content, written books (especially in the science of wisdom and philosophy) and teachers excelling intelligence and academic research. It has been expanded, reduced, improved and renewed in accordance with the needs of the country, the governments and the society of Islamic India. This current traditional curriculum is the latest stage in the development of the old curriculum which has remained prevalent in the Indian subcontinent since the blessing of Islamic conquest. This fact is observable in the old academic curriculum of the Indian sub-continent which has continued to be called the Nizami Curriculum from the second half of the 12 th century after the learned Imäm Nizämuddïn bin Qutbuddïn As Sihäliwï Al Luknawï (d.

Al fiqh al muyassar pdf